Hi! I’m Hannah.
She/her pronouns. I write. I teach. I facilitate. All from my home in St. Louis, MO, filled with dogs and family and (one day, again) gobs of company. Mostly, I try to live and, in my own odd way, really living means stories.
I write them. I read…well, devour them. I tell stories on stages in front of drunk people and behind pulpits in front of saints and in elementary cafeterias jam-packed with sixth graders. Usually, whether I’m on stage or in a meeting, I end up using my w h o l e body and face to make my point, often infusing at least 30% more energy than required in a given setting.
I can’t help it. This is who I am, who I’ve always been. And I’m embracing it.
In this space, we will talk about Great Big Stories - yours, mine, maybe ones belonging to faith traditions and fandoms alike. We’ll talk mistakes and history, both the small angsty kind and the big, sweeping, national narrative kind.
And somewhere along the way, I hope we find a moment where we resonate together and feel less alone.